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The Financial Ad Trader

Subscriber Testimony!

The new forex robot is setting the Internet on fire and no other service online can even come close. Just look at the feedback we are getting for this fantastic new service

Robot Client software has been a winner every week.

Betting $250 per bet to make $500 USD and betting every Robot Client forex recommendation has resulted in the following profits:
1st week apr 24 - 28 $2.250 profit 225% 24 wins 15 losers
2nd week may 5 - 6 $1,750 profit 175% 23 wins 16 losers
current week (tues) $2,250 profit so far this week. 225% 13 wins 4 losers
Total profit $6,250 about 2 1/2 weeks.

Since Robot Client does everything, it's so simple even a my grandchildren can do it.

Robot Client tells you exactly what to do
1. which forex pair to bet
2. the exact time to start the bet
3. the exact time to exit the bet

You go to BOM to place the bet and that's it.

And the best part is that Robot Client is only $29 per month. I stated with a 2 week trial $9.95, had paper traded the signals to test it out, was convinced and now am betting with Robot Client.

Alfred and his staff have excellent support to questions you have - yeah I had plenty.

Yes you can do it part-time from your home. I have a regular job so I place my Robot Client bets when I come home from work and also the next morning before I go to work.

I've traded stock options for many years and have purchased thousands of dollars of software and newsletters and I know as a fact by buying call & put options with a $250 premium, I know it's pretty impossible to make this kind of money in this short amount of time.

I highly recommend anyone who is serious in making money to get Robot Client. My friends who are day trading the stock market can't believe the returns I making from Robot Client.

Have a prosperous life everybody.

Mike ( USA )

Dear Alfred

You can quoted me on this, I have being doing the bets based on your fxrobot and following the
3 strategies unknowingly for the past 2 weeks and the result 120% returns of my small capital of $500
Average bets size between USD20- USD100. I have since consistently placed USD100 bets. If I take USD100 as
betting capital each time you can say I make 400% return over 2 weeks!

I think the odds are 60-70% win per day session. Well, thanks guys keep up the good works!!!

Keep the site simple. May be add in video clips on how to make the bets will be useful for newbies like me.

I am keen to promote your site as a affiliate, is this possible?

Thanks in advance


Hello Alfred & David

Well I have been with you now for a good year or more now you are the very best ALERT service that I have found on the WEB The Latest Alert service launched in the last couple of weeks is out of this
world. I found last week the only day I missed to go fishing was the best day of
the week. This week today Tuesday went fishing again and 6 wins only 1 lost bet !!!!!

Going on like this I will have to watch my fishing days Went Salmon fishing NO FISH before going won 1 back home and won 2 more bets. All the Very Best Wishes to Brothers Alfred and David

Frederick from the UK
Hi guys

I have tried various ways to make money on the internet and have to say that so far most have not delivered what they promised
This however is an exception and having gained back my subscription fee for the month and made a profit in my first day of trading was a real confidence boost.
So far I have made in a few days enough profit to cover 2 months subscriptions and I only started with $250

This has to be one of the best ways to make money I have seen in over 2 yrs worth of searching.

John C ( UK )

After several weeks now of following the robot and having doubled my
meager BOM acct. -and having gone back to see what a double-up approach might result in, I can most enthusiastically report that I may finally be able to quit my day job!

If we follow the results since the robot first began operation we find there are 44 wins and 31 losses (by my calcs anyway) Twice there were 3 losers in a row. So, if you were bettting to win $200 (my test amount) you would have had to bet up to $1600 if you had doubled your bet on each new signal. Fortunately, in the simulation, that much had already been made. Granted, this is all on paper, but having used the above approach since inception, your acct. would now be approx. $6200, and $1600
your max drawdown. I should add that once the $4k level was reached the bets went to $400. The only catch in the above, is that all bets are based on the
record, not on realtime, where there are signals occurring during current bets. My solution to that would be to first check
the "details" page of you bet description to see how the bet is doing, or otherwise, assume all current bets are losers, and double up anyway.

No doubt, my remarks are fueled by reckless enthusism, and where I live the majority of signals are in the wee hours so I have not been able to fully employ this wonder, but I did buy an extension wire
for my computer speakers today, and I really don't care how much or how little sleep I'll be getting.

Best wishes to all,

James ( USA )

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Although the authors of this publication and web site believe the information, data, and contents presented are accurate, they neither represent or guarantee the accuracy and completeness nor assume any liability. It should not be assumed that the methods, techniques, or indicators presented in this material will be profitable or that they will not result in losses. Market Speculating involves the risk of loss, as well as the potential for profit. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

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